⚫ SICC 2017(https://www.sicc2017.com/) is the first Scientific International Conference on Safety & Security issues in the CBRNe field (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and explosive) and represents the natural development of the long-standing experience achieved in the field of CBRNe education and training thanks to the International Master Courses in Protection against CBRNe Events of the University of Rome Tor Vergata. (http://www.mastercbrn.com/)
⚫ Why should you join SICC 2017?
✔️️ Your contribution on Springer proceedings (peer-reviewed, indexed on Scopus and PubMed) to improve your H-INDEX
✔️️ Improve your CV. Reduced fees for students and governamental employees
✔️️ Meet the experts of the subject matter and compare ideas with my colleagues and the experts too
✔️️ Discover how your research activities fit into the CBRNE world
✔️️ Embrace our vision : CBRNE as a scientific discipline
✔️️ Meet a Nobel Prize!
SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT NOW: http://bit.ly/2nj6o4W
⚫ MAY 22-24 2017
Istituto Superiore Antincendi
(Italian National Fire Academy)
Via del Commercio 13, 00154
E-MAIL: sicc2017@sicc2017.com
WEB: https://www.sicc2017.com/
FB PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/SICC-Scienti...
FB EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/12893...
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