New Scientific Paper Published!

Dear colleagues,

It is a pleasure to announce that the article:
Early assessment of weight velocity can support frontline health workers in predicting malnutrition in HIV-exposed infants: preliminary results from a DREAM cohort in Malawi.

has ben published by:
Buonomo E, Germano P, Moramarco S, Rossi R, Malizia A, Scarcella P, Orlando S, Guidotti G, Nielsen-Saines K, Tembo D, Marazzi MC, Palombi L.

Minerva Pediatr. 2020 Feb;72(1):14-21. doi: 10.23736/S0026-4946.19.05417-3. Epub 2019 Mar 21


This is an example on how the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Engineering can cooperate to impronte the research and push the results over the old boundaries.

Stay tuned!

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