Dear colleagues,
We are glad to announce that today has been completed the 3 days courses of the #RESIST Research Project (REsilience Support for critical Infrastructures' through Standardized Training on CBRN) at the Scuola Interforze per la Difesa Nucleare Biologica e Chimica.
#MasterCBRN (#CBRNGate) of the Università di Roma Tor Vergata are partner of this project.
We want to thank our P.O.C and Scientific Reference for this Project, Dr. Daniele Di Giovanni. The research fellow involved in the project, Dr. Andrea Chierici and all the staff of the #MasterCBRN and of #NBCSchool of Rieti involved in these activities.
#Research #Training #CriticalInsfrastructures #CBRN #CBRNe
link of RESIST project:
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