Dear colleagues, It is a pleasure to announce that the Director of the#MasterCBRNand Full
Professor in Epidemiology, Prof.Leonardo Palombiand
Prof. Giuseppe Liotta (both from the Department of Biomedicine and Prevention of theUniversità di Roma Tor Vergata) have been
nominated member of the National Commission for Elderly Assistance by the Italian Ministry of Health (Ministero della Salute,
On.Roberto Speranza)The President of the Commission is Mons.Vincenzo Paglia.Theidea was born during the#COVID19emergency that has shown some critical
issues in the#RSAand elderly sanitary management. The commission is composed of distinguished members of Italian Society with
human and scientific backgrounds in order to guarantee an interdisciplinary interaction. The Directive Board and Staff of#MasterCBRNwant to congratulate Prof. Palombi and
Prof. Liotta for this important achievement. STAY TUNED!
We promote multidisciplinary research devoted to enhancing the protection of public and the environment from threats that may harm its health, safety, and security. We provide advice
and carry out studies to find the best solutions in these fields.
Promuoviamo la ricerca scientifica multidisciplinare sulle tematiche della protezione dalle minacce per la salute e la
sicurezza della popolazione e dell'ambiente. In questi campi, portiamo avanti studi e forniamo pareri per definire le migliori soluzioni.
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