Outbreaks predictions: from epidemiological models to application solutions

Dear colleagues,


It is a pleasure announce the WEBINAR:


"🦠Outbreaks predictions: from epidemiological models to application solutions 🦠"


that will be held on MS TEAMS next 16 of December 2021 (02.30 p.m. - 06.30 p.m.)


Mathematical models, applied to epidemiology, help to describe the spread of infectious agents among the population. The ability to predict the evolution of ongoing scenarios would be valuable for policy-makers to put in place countermeasures and risk-mitigation efforts.

Hence, during the first part of the workshop, We will take you through the basics of the compartimental disease transmission models and, in the second part, will focus on a specific freeware software, STEM, to simulate  two possible outbreaks.


(It could be helpful to download STEM from the website before thursday https://www.eclipse.org/stem/


You can ask to participate sending an email to info@mastercbrn.it


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