Project TRANSTUN and its results have been featured in a paper published by the Chemical Engineering Transactions (CET) journal

Dear colleagues,


Project TRANSTUN and its results have been featured in a paper published by the Chemical Engineering Transactions (CET) journal, an internationally recognised journal of the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering. The paper was authored by Fabio Borghetti (Politecnico di Milano), Federico Benolli (TRANSTUN Project Director from Fondazione SAFE), Andrea Micozzi (Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata) and Daniele Di Giovanni (Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata, School of Medicine and Surgery, Unicamillus-Saint Camillus International University of Health Sciences) and titled “TRANSTUN Project: a Public-Private-Partnership to Enhance the Capacity of Emergency Response in case of CBRN Incident in Road Tunnels”.


TRANSTUN main objective was to enhance the preparedness of transnational tunnels operators and first responders in case of a CBRN event. The project dealt with the creation and delivery of training, guidelines and specialised equipment and, more importantly, the organization of a large-scale real-life exercise at the Bielsa-Aragnouet Tunnel located between Spain and France when operators and first responders had the chance to test their capabilities in an unknown scenario linked to a CBRN terroristic event.


The organization of the real-life exercise was a major step in the context of the project, because it highlighted capabilities but also outlined current gaps in the emergency response management procedures and synergies. Within this framework, the paper focuses on results and observations achieved during the project lifecycle and, in particular, it outlines key lessons learned and recommendations concerning the organisation of real-life exercises in the CBRN domain.


You can read the paper here: TRANSTUN Project: a Public-Private-Partnership to Enhance the Capacity of Emergency Response in case of CBRN Incident in Road Tunnels

Congratulation to Dr. Daniele Di Giovanni, Dr. Andrea Micozzi and Prof. Pasquale Gaudio

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