Dear colleagues,
Yesterday 12 January 2023 we had 3 amazing lecturers :
Maj. Daniele Del Gaudio (7th Regiment CBRN CREMONA - Italian Ministry of Defence) had a lecture in the morning on:
- Italian CBRN Defence organization
- 7th CBRN def Regiment "Cremona" - Capabilities
- 7th CBRN def Regiment "Cremona" - Operations
Lt. Col. Andrea Gloria (Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation) that had a lecture in the afternoon on the:
- Office for disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation
- Lebanon 2020 - Beirut Port Explosion
Lt. Comm. Gaetano Matrone (head of the CBRNe office of Italian Navy, Italian Ministry of Defence) that had a lecture in the afternoon on the Organization of the Italian Navy for CBRN defense on board and on land.
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