Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to announce that this week officially started our new EU project entitled #eNOTICE-2.
eNOTICE-2 is a project selected by the #European Commission under the - Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations – DG ECHO as part of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism.
eNOTICE-2 focuses on the improvement of the overall preparedness and capability for responding quickly to major cross-border crises involving C, B or RN agents or a mixture thereof. eNOTICE-2 is building on lessons learned from eNOTICE (
The project, led by Université Catholique de Louvain will last 24 months.
The Consortium is comprised of a well-balanced group of 7 partners plus 1 beneficiary, from 6 Countries with complementary skills: UCL (Belgium), VESTA (Belgium), FDDO (Germany), UNITOV Università di Roma Tor Vergata (Italy), JCBRND CoE(Czech Republic), METU (Turkey), SAFE (Italy), WMP (United Kingdom).
Prof. Pasquale Gaudio and Dr. Daniele Di Giovanni as representatives of the University of Tor Vergata (UNITOV) took part in the kick-off of the project eNOTICE.
The kick-off, held on 16-17 January in Brussels with the participation of all the partners and three representatives of DG ECHO, has been a good chance to have an overview presentation of the project's aims and objectives.
The meeting represented a fruitful opportunity for the project team to consolidate the consortium, to remark project management key points, and to speak about the first activities planned.
For future updates please check Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network:
Université Catholique de Louvain
Campus Vesta apb
Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Feuerwehr und Rettungsdienst, Stadt Dortmund - Institut für Feuerwehr- und Rettungstechnologie
Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi / Middle East Technical University
Fondazione SAFE - Security and Freedom for Europe
West Midlands police
#CBRN, #UCPM, #eNotice, #preparedness #virtualreality #mixedreality
Photo Credit: Olga Vybornova
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