Project VERTIgO at NBC School of Rieti

Dear Colleagues,


Monday May 6th to Thursday May 9th, Project VERTIgO held a Joint Testing and Validation Session at the NBC School in Rieti (Italy). The testing week was attended by 14 members of the armed forces from several European countries as well as 4 representatives of the Ukrainian armed forces. A special VIP day was held on Wednesday, May 8th to showcase the VERTIgO European Exercises Simulation Platform and to discuss its role as an innovative technological solution for future CBRNe military and civilian training. 


Our colleagues Prof. Pasquale Gaudio, Dr. Daniele Di Giovanni, and Grace Xerri participated in the testing week as project consortium representatives from the University of Rome Tor Vergata. 


After a 2.5 year endeavor, Project VERTIgO will end this month, so stay tuned for news on the final event which will take place on May 21st in Rome!




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