OPCW Training 2024

Dear colleagues,


From 11 to 13 June, 1st en 2nd level Master Course students (7th  Edition of the First Level MasterCBRNe and 12th and 13th Editions of the Second Level Master CBRNe) visited the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague, The Netherlands. The three day visit consisted out of two separate parts:


-Day 1 and 2: the students visited the new OPCW ChemTech Centre where several OPCW employees presented different topics related to the OPCW and the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). The presenters focused on different articles of the convention. The visit was concluded by a demonstration by OPCW inspectors and a tour of the new ChemTech Centre;


-Day 3: during this day the students visited the headquarters of the OPCW, during this visit the students were able to see the Nobel Peace Price that was awarded to the OPCW in 2013. The students also visited the Halabja monument on the premises where they payed their respects for the victims of this event. At the end of the day a crest from the University of Rome Tor Vergata was presented to Dr. Eapen.


We would like to thank Dr. Rebecca Eapen and Dr. Toko Okazaki for organising the visit and thereby providing the students the opportunity to learn more about the OPCW and the CWC.


We would also like to Thank Capt. Augusto Carducci, Capt. Igor van Drunen and Drs. Marianne Chalhoub for supervising the students during the visit.



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