Announcement of Successful Graduation of First Level Master CBRNe - 7th_ed
18. December 2024
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce that the first group of candidates from the 7th edition of the First Level Master in CBRNe has successfully completed their course. They are now officially recognized as graduates of the program. Today, we witnessed three remarkable and innovative thesis presentations: • Dr. Michele Sibio, from the Italian Customs Agency, presented his thesis under the supervision of Prof. Riccardo Quaranta, titled: “Integration of CBRNe Technologies in European...

Incontro con il Gen. B. Giorgio Guariglia
14. December 2024
Gentili colleghe e colleghi, Ieri mattina il nostro Direttore Prof. Andrea Malizia ha avuto il piacere di incontrare, presso la Scuola NBC di Rieti, il nuovo Comandante Gen. B. Giorgio Guariglia. L'occasione è stata gradita non solo per consegnare il CREST dei Master (e ricevere in cambio la bellissima statuetta della Scuola) ma anche per approntare una lunga e fruttuosa discussione circa il futuro della collaborazione tra la Scuola NBC di Rieti e l'Università di Roma Tor Vergata in merito...

Borse di studio INPS per iscrizione ai Master CBRNe
06. December 2024
Carissime e carissimi, È stato pubblicato sul sito INPS il bando di concorso per il finanziamento di borse di studio per l’iscrizione al Master di I e di II livello per l’anno accademico 2024-2025. link: Con l’obiettivo di garantire ai dipendenti della pubblica amministrazione alta...

Visit to the new Commander of the 7th Regiment CBRN Cremona
03. December 2024
Dear colleagues, We are glad to say that yesterday the Didactic Coordinator of the Master CBRNe, Dr. Alba Iannotti, as representative of the Directive Board of the Master CBRNe visited the 7th Regiment CBRN Cremona and his new Commander (graduated in the Second Level MasterCBRNe during the 5th edition) Col: Dario De Masi. It has been a great chance to discuss future education, research, and training cooperation. Alba has given to Dario our CREST and Dario has given to Alba the beautiful medal...

Setup of a method supporting the adoption of a regeneration strategy for FFP2 masks used by rescuers during the Covid-19 emergency
02. December 2024
Dear colleagues, The publication of the papers related to the third edition of the SICC Series - CBRNe conference ( held in Rome at the Istituto Superiore Antincendi last September 2023 is in progress. Here the article published by EPJ Plus and indexed on SCOPUS and ISI WEB of SCIENCE: Cavalieri d’Oro, E., De Maio, C., Samuele, G., Candiani, G., Bono, N. Miceli, M. & Pedeferri, M. (2024). "Setup of a method supporting the adoption of a regeneration strategy...

AI in CBRN Security - GPC - G7
29. November 2024
Dear colleagues, We are proud to share with you a piece of great news, we have organized and done today a side event at the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction that will take place at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation the 27th - 29th of November 2024 in the aim of the activities of the G7 Italia 2024. The side event was held in Sala Onofri (at the Farnesina). The title was: "The Impact of Artificial Intelligence...

The impact of artificial Intelligence in CBRN Security
27. November 2024
Dear colleagues, We are proud to share with you a great news, we have been invited to organize a side event at the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction that will take place at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation the 27th - 29th of November 2024 in the aim of the activities of the G7 Italia 2024. The side event will be held in Sala Onofri (at the Farnesina) next 29th Friday 2024 and it is entitled: "The Impact of...

Nutraceutical recommendations for CBRN and emergency first responders during an airborne biological release incident
26. November 2024
Dear colleagues, The publication of the papers related to the third edition of the SICC Series - CBRNe conference ( held in Rome at the Istituto Superiore Antincendi last September 2023 is in progress. Here the article published by EPJ Plus and indexed on SCOPUS and ISI WEB of SCIENCE: Zimmer, JM., Moramarco, S. & Carestia, M. (2024). "Nutraceutical recommendations for CBRN and emergency first responders during an airborne biological release incident". Eur....

Master CBRNe - First and Second Levels
25. November 2024
Dear all, What an amazing week it has just passed for the candidates of the First and Second Level Master Courses in Protection Against CBRNe events. They had the chance also to have some joint activities! The First and Second Level MasterCBRNe candidates were together for the lecture of Prof. Stephen Johnson from Cranfield University and Lt.Col. for the UK army. Steve just discussed Investigation, giving a deep inside series of lectures about definitions, methodology, case studies, and lessons...

Convegno Chimici Fisici e Corso COCIM
24. November 2024
Buongiorno a tutte e tutti, E' con piacere che comunichiamo due attività fatte gli scorsi Venerdì 22 Novembre e Sabato 23 Novembre a cui abbiamo partecipato come relatori con il Prof. Andrea Malizia. Il 22 Novembre la relazione sulle emergenze radiologico-nucleari è stata fatta per la giornata conclusiva del corso COCIM (Collaborazione Civile-Militari) del Centro Alti Studi della Difesa che dà poco è stato ufficialmente accreditato dal MUR come Università, un passaggio importante quello...

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