HOME HESAR Master CBRNe - "Prof. Carlo Bellecci" Directive Board - Master CBRNe Didactic Board (2019/2020-2020/21) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 5th Edition 19/20-20/21 - Timeline - First Level MasterCBRN 1st_Lev_Mod. 1 - CBRNe threats between past and current challenges 1st_Lev_Mod. 2 - B Agents. Biological Warfare Agents, history, current challenges, properties, case study 1st_Lev_Mod. 3 - C Agents (P2). HazMat, TIM and Chemical Warfare Agents introduction, history, chemical / physical properties, ERG introduction 1st_Lev_Mod. 4 - DSS, Software 1st_Lev_Mod. 5 - R/N Agents. Radiological and nuclear agents awareness, industry, medical & military 1st_Lev_Mod. 6 - C Agents: Chemical Warfare Agents detection, protection and decontamination operations (OPCW) 1st_Lev_Mod. 7 - Communication and Psychology 1st_Lev_Mod. 8 -Medical Countermeasures, CBRNe First Aid 1st_Lev_Mod. 9 - Investigation in case of CBRNe events 1st_Lev_Mod. 10 - e Agents, CBR IED and EOD, challenges and case studies Thesis Evaluation First Level2020 - 5h Edition (2020/21) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 10th Edition (2020/21-2021/2022) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 6th Edition 20/21-21/22 - Timeline - First Level MasterCBRN 1st_6th_Mod. 1 - CBRNe threats between past and current challenges 1st_6th_Mod. 2 - B Agents. Biological Warfare Agents, history, current challenges, properties, case study 1st_6th_Mod. 3 - C Agents (P1). HazMat, TIM and Chemical Warfare Agents introduction, history, chemical / physical properties, ERG introduction 1st_6th_Mod. 4 - DSS, Software 1st_6th_Mod. 5 - R/N Agents. Radiological and nuclear agents awareness, industry, medical & military COPIAMod. 5 - R/N Agents. Radiological and nuclear agents awareness, industry, medical & military 1st_6th_Mod. 6- OPCW 1st_6th_Mod. 7 - Communication and Psychology 1st_6th_Mod. 8 -Medical Countermeasures, CBRNe First Aid 1st_6th_Mod. 9 - Investigation in case of CBRNe events 1st_6th_Mod. 10 - e Agents, CBR IED and EOD, challenges and case studies Thesis Evaluation First Level2021 - 6h Edition (2021/2022) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 11th Edition (2022/23-2023/24) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 7th Edition (2022/2023) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 12th Edition (2023/24-2024/25) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 8th Edition (2023/2024) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 13th Edition (2024/25-2025/26) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 9th Edition (2024/2025) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 14th Edition Table Top Exercises - TTX Seminari INPS - Borsisti Master Directive_Board_Area Activity Reports CBRNe Courses and WS Master MENTS Academic Courses Research Scientific Events NEWS Contacts