First Level
International Master Course in "Protection against CBRNe events"
8th Edition - Advanced Level - First Responders
Communication and Psychology
Official social newtworks
HESAR s.r.l.s.
Atina - Via dei Sanniti 514
P. IVA 03268510603
+ 39 347 100 41 89
Codice univoco: BA6ET11
We promote multidisciplinary research devoted to enhancing the protection of public and the environment from threats that may harm its health, safety, and security. We provide advice and carry out studies to find the best solutions in these fields.
Promuoviamo la ricerca scientifica multidisciplinare sulle tematiche della protezione dalle minacce per la salute e la sicurezza della popolazione e dell'ambiente. In questi campi, portiamo avanti studi e forniamo pareri per definire le migliori soluzioni.
Handling of personal data is in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).