Timeline a - 9th Edition - First Level Master CBRNe

Short Timeline - 9th Edition - First Level MasterCBRNe
Adobe Acrobat Document 180.2 KB
Complete Timeline - 9th Edition - First Level MasterCBRNe
Complete-timeline 2025_2026_FirstLevel_9
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.9 MB

Dear colleagues,


We are glad to inform you that the new editions of the MasterCBRNe courses:



- The 9th edition of the First Level International Master Course in Protection Against CBRNe events (BASE LEVEL for FIRST RESPONDERS)


It is open to those who have a bachelor's degree or an equivalent 180 ECTS academic title.


will start Monday 17 February 2025. 


The CV evaluation of the potential candidates is open, you can send your full CV, in english language, to info@mastercbrn.it 


Sending the CV allow you to be automatically re-contacted by the Directive Board of the MasterCBRNe