CBRNe Book Series

The CBRNe Book Series was born as an initiative of the Directive Board and of the Scientific Committee of “International Master Courses in Protection Against CBRNe events” (www.cbrngate.com) at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.


The evolution and increase in Security and Safety threats at an international level place remarkable focus on the improvement of the emergency systems to deal with crisis, including those connected to ordinary and non-conventional events (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and explosives). In every industrial Country there are multiple entities with specialized teams in very specific fields, but the complexity of the events requires professionals that not only have specific know-how, but also expertise in the entire relevant areas.



During the month of August, 2016, the Italian Minister for Instruction, University and Research (MIUR) has officially added this book series in the list of the official publications recognized by the Minister itself with the following references:

classification code: E237557;



In 2020 we have opened a second CBRNe book series entitled " CBRNe & Beyond Conventional and non conventional emergencies: from research, education and training to the management and recovery of normality" published by TAB Edizioni.


Here we will report all the book collected. 




Link for the books from 1 to 19


Link for the books from 20







26. CBRNe Threat. The Dual Use of Remotely Pilot Aircraft System

In the context of the CBRN threat, drones, considered by international and national legislations as real aircrafts, due to their versatility, availability, ease of modification and use, have attracted the attention of the author who has, in the present book, outlined and deepened both the possible applications in attacks by terrorist groups and the possible uses by the Police or other State apparatuses engaged in anti-terrorism action. Some European projects on the use of drones are reported.


(CBRNe & Beyond - Tab Edizioni)



25. B in CBRN and Something More

There are also fads in the type of topics that institutions set out to study. Now “Resilience” is going great, before the specter of a CBRN terrorist attack has long been at the center of discussions. Then comes Covid-19, then Russia invades Ukraine, and we realize that, in the face of the real facts of human history, often the words spoken have been spent in the wind and no effective preparations have been made. This short text focuses on the B of CBRN, trying to make it clear what an ugly beast it is and that Sars-Cov-2 was ultimately a domestic pet compared to other possible biological threats. We have to be prepared.


(CBRNe & Beyond - Tab Edizioni)



24. Future anti-terrorism and public health CBRNe scenarios. A comprehensive guide of central nervous system-active substances and precursors, their impact on the Chemical Weapon convention inspection regime and international security.

The study is aimed at focusing on the possible impact of the most widel-spread pharmacological substances active on the central nervous system and their precursors, on the Chemical Weapon Convention inspection regime and therefore on the industrial and commercial processes and their relative impact on international security.

(CBRNe & Beyond - Tab Edizioni)



23. Emergenze: i sistemi di comunicazione e di supporto alle decisioni. Le nuove tecnologie per soccorso, comando e controllo: l’esperienza del Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco

Le emergenze sono caratterizzate da una complessità gestionale intrinseca e dalla necessità di collaborazione tra molteplici interlocutori con competenze diverse. La continua evoluzione tecnologica nell’ambito dell’informatica e delle comunicazioni pone, inoltre, sfide costanti e impegnative, soprattutto in campo politico, sociale e umano, da affrontare utilizzando tutti gli strumenti utili e sfruttando a pieno ogni risorsa. Il libro prende in esame le innovazioni tecnologiche applicabili alla gestione di emergenze e di operazioni di soccorso, focalizzandosi in particolare su informatica e telecomunicazioni, due ambiti strettamente connessi tra loro.

(CBRNe & Beyond - Tab Edizioni)



22. Social media emergency communication and crisis management during radiological and nuclear emergencies

The author touched on a very crucial topic in his book when he discusses the importance of communication as a part, not only of the larger counterterrorism and national security conversation, but also the daily use of such communications as a part of daily life by everyone. Mr Ibrahim simplified the view of Communication in Emergency and discussed the importance of Social media in communication and why it plays a vital role when considering setting up an emergency plan. Through the use of scenarios, Mr Ibrahim explains how it is not enough to use security measures alone to tackle organised criminals. He makes it clear in his book that it is essential to understand the underlying motivations of people and why they make the conscious decision to join a terrorist group. In the book the author expresses insights into the effective use of a dedicated media spokesperson during critical CBRN emergencies. It considers this role and responsibilities in depth. It looks at the skills and abilities required from people performing such roles given the sensitive nature of these events."  

(CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


21. Mass Decontamination of Special and Disabled Groups Following an Urban CBRN Incident

This book presents a comprehensive overview of the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) agents, their characteristics and categories, their malevolent uses, and the consequences resulting from these agents on human’s health, especially from contamination (whether external or internal) and cross-contamination that might be significant if the incident/attack takes place in an urban area. It also suggests measures and recommendations that should be adopted following an urban CBRN event to reduce the cross-contamination dangers by introducing different decontamination techniques, categories, and decontaminants. The second part of the book highlights the different needs of civilians (logistics, psychological support, etc.) following such an unconventional incident and precisely the needs of special and disabled groups (toddlers, children, pregnant women, people with cognitive, mobility, and sensory impairments, homeless, refugees, the elderly, etc.) that differs from ordinary people’s needs, where additional logistics and personnel are required. Moreover, special Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), guidelines, techniques, and various kinds of support are required during their decontamination process due to their fragility. In addition to proactive strategies that may prepare their appetite for such an unfortunate event, additional resources must be available on the scene. 

(CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


20. To be or not to be “resilient”? That is the problem. Resilience applied on CBRNe threat

CBRNe risk is something dramatically presents in our world and lives which means that we must face this hazard and be prepared to manage incident situations. Syria, Iraq, Salisbury and other incidents have shown us that we cannot forget or underestimate this terrible threat. As a consequence, the most important challenge is to be aware of this hazard, be well prepared and trained. Therefore, the question is: how can we deal with CBRNe threat? Resilience is the answer: the need for a comprehensive approach that embraces military and civilian organizations in a common effort to prevent, protect and recovery from the CBRNe threat, starting from being CBRNe aware. So, the very first step that we can make to face this threat is to be resilient, by building our community in order to better tackle a catastrophic situation following a CBRNe incident, or attack. With this book I cannot say that I have found a one-fits-all-solution regarding how to become resilient and, consequently, build resilience, but I confirm the absolute necessity of everyone, each community, organization and country to be “CBRNe resilient” through some possible approaches and guidance that can help us along this challenging way. 

(CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


19 Valutazione del funzionamento di un nuovo sistema di evacuazione fumi: Studio con un incendio reale in ambiente confinato

Lo scopo del lavoro è quello di descrivere un innovativo dispositivo di protezione attiva, costituito da un sistema di evacuazione fumi. Il sistema interviene rapidamente, prima di arrivare al flashover, riducendo il rischio di lesioni e danni e aumentando il tempo per evacuazione e operazioni di soccorso. Il sistema è valutato con i metodi della fire engineering, il software FDS e una prova sperimentale, in cui evacua i prodotti della combustione generati da un focolaio di prova. 

(CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)



18 Is it important teaching Law Enforcement on CBRN / HAZMAT Related Subjects?

The First Book in Europe to set on record the recent and past issues related to hazardous materials (HAZMAT), or chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents (CBRN) from a police perspective. Such incidents show the importance on teaching as well as having response procedures in policing.



17 How the Communication of CBRNe Events Changes in the Era of Social Media and Fake News

The advent of social media has had an important impact on communication, providing new and more effective tools for the circulation of ideas and information, but also reinforcing pre–existing problems such as disintermediation, polarization, fake news, conspiracy theories and cognitive biases, which in the new social world have found perfect habitat to make their harmful influence felt.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)



16 The ability to communicate Who knows how to communicate the crisis knows how to manage it

Society nowadays is a “Communication Society” but, at the same time, it is a “Risk Society”. The communication influences the events and become an integral component of them, but it can be useful only when there are cooperation, integration, synergy and training between all subjects involved in an emergency at all levels.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


15 Countering radiological and nuclear threats Proceedings of the 4th International CBRNe Workshop, “IW CBRNe 2018” (A cura di Francesco D’Errico, Andrea Malizia)

Large scale radiological emergencies are associated with the unexpected outbreak of contamination due to release. As a result, specially trained and dedicated radiation surveillance forces and facilities will not be able to come to the scene and promptly collect the data needed for decision making and countermeasure planning and implementation. The radiological emergencies, the innovative solutions and products as well as the progress on research are explained in this book.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


14 The role of the HazMat and the INSARAG certification process of the Italian USAR Heavy team

The book focuses on the INSARAG certification process that Italy has decided to undertake in order to include its USAR Heavy team in the international relief system. Special attention is given to figure of the HazMat, namely the person in the USAR team who is responsible for the management of hazardous materials.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


13 Operational response to Hazmat/CBRNe incidents Comparison between Milan and Lisbon

The volume will show and describe the operational response procedures and methods facing a Hazmat/CBRNe incident of two specialized units from two different European cities as the Milan headquarter fire brigade — Regional advanced CBRNe team (Comando Provinciale dei Vigili del Fuoco di Milano — Nucleo regionale avanzato NBCR) and the Lisbon fire brigade hazmat response unit (Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de Lisboa – Grupo de Intervenção em Matérias Perigosas).

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


12 The table top exercise as a tool to train key stakeholders involved in emergencies. Definitions, case studies and example exercises (Emergency simulation Part 1)

Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high yield explosive materials have entered the public domain. The authors identify some of the common factors that have occurred during response to CBRNe incidents and highlight the need for specialist preparation. By deconstructing the table top exercise and giving actual exercise examples, the book demonstrates the versatility and usefulness of the table top exercise as an essential part of training for all CBRNe stakeholders.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


11 Terrorist attacks and natural/anthropic disasters. Risk analysis methodologies for supporting security decision–making actors

Fundamental definitions of the terms terrorism, political violence and CBRN are presented, and the international databases publicly available on terrorist events and natural disasters are investigated. Furthermore the concept of risk management as described in the ISO standards is analyzed, introducing the risk assessment and risk analysis characteristics applied in the USA and EU institutional approaches.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


10 Improvement on CBRNe Learning & Education Management. A study on the CBRNe Master Courses weak points equal Identification from Theoretical, Operational and Administrative approach

The author decided to take a responsible step to define several issues figured from the statistical analysis of the student’s evaluations form, after his two years of study of The Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” Master CBRNe courses.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


9 Education and training CBRNe awareness and preparedness

The book proposal aims at finding out the level of awareness on the CBRNe substances and the preparedness of the public on the same. Are the members of public able to tell what these substances are? Has the public witnessed CBRNe attack? How does the emergency team respond to CBRNe attacks? It should be noted that the public comprises of fire fighters, flying doctors, emergency responders and anyone since the victim is limitless.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


8 L’evoluzione dell’urbanesimo nelle emergenze. Retroterra, dinamiche, risposte

Solidarietà europea, mappatura degli impatti, piano d’azione UE CBRN, pericolo di uragani, piane alluvionali, terrorismo e negazione dei diritti umani; sono solo alcune delle tracce che nel volume seguono un filo rosso lungo quattro sezioni dedicate, nell’epoca delle emergenze e della sostenibilità, alla conoscenza di eventi emergenziali e all’organizzazione di misure di reazione.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


7 Radioactivity. A textbook for First Responders

CBRN risk can not be addressed without adequate knowledge. Thought for the First Responder, the book confront in particular the radiological risk, which can be manifested in civil defense as well as in the most typical of civil protection. Only an accurate analysis of the event that may occur time after time, proper use of appropriate instrumentation and knowledge of radiation protection measures can ensure the safety of rescuers and the population. The paper addresses both theoretical and practical aspects (radioprotection, dosimetry, detectors, contamination, transport) and has over 60 exercises carried out.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


6 Modelling e decision making. Il caso di "disastro naturale” all’università

Abbiamo la capacità di essere coerenti con i progetti di crescita e responsabilità appresi entro gli studi universitari quinquennali e gli schemi di decision making individuale e di gruppo che si sperimentano in un contesto istituzionale quale quello universitario? Il volume risponde a questa domanda mettendo in evidenza come possedere strumenti per essere pronti in situazioni emergenziali e inattese.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


5 Curbanismo La curva del crimine nell'urbanesimo

Il volume solleva importanti questioni sulle manifestazioni di devianza nella città attraverso l’evidenziazione di una serie di esperienze internazionali che indagano la città nei suoi molteplici aspetti per valutare la distanza, quando non la dismisura, da quanto stabilito da agende pubbliche e pianificatori.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)


4 Proposta di esercitazione per la gestione multilivello e multidimensionale di un attacco CBRNe Simulazione condotta nello Stato di Tegeste

Il volume rappresenta la tesi finale del master di II livello in “Protezione da eventi CBRNe” tenutosi nell’a.a. 2012–2013 presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”. L’idea di incentrare il lavoro sullo sviluppo di uno strumento esercitativo nasce dall’esigenza di convogliare le conoscenze, la formazione e le esperienze professionali degli autori, per creare una piattaforma che potesse essere di ausilio ai futuri studenti del master e anche agli operatori coinvolto nella materia.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)



3 Radioattività. Un manuale per i First Responder

ll rischio CBRN non può essere affrontato senza averne un’adeguata conoscenza. Pensato per i First Responders il testo affronta in particolare il rischio radiologico. Questo può manifestarsi tanto nell’ambito della difesa civile che in quello più tipicamente di protezione civile. Solo un’accurata analisi dell’eventuale evento, il corretto uso di idonea strumentazione e la conoscenza delle misure di radioprotezione possono garantire la sicurezza dei soccorritori e della popolazione.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)



2 Armi a energia diretta. Dalle onde acustiche ai sistemi laser

Le armi a energia diretta non appartengono più alla fantascienza, sono ormai una realtà che promette di rivoluzionare la guerra moderna come fece in passato la polvere da sparo nell’era delle armi bianche. Tra non più di dieci anni, le armi a energia diretta cambieranno radicalmente la natura delle guerre in molti scenari geopolitici. I dispositivi saranno di tipo aereo, navale e terrestre. Avranno capacità di ingaggio selettive e istantanee.

 (CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)



1 Practical manual for the updating of CBRN planning and short notes for the preparedness to crisis management

A CBRN event, unlike earthquakes, floods and anything else you can add to the phenomena that usually refer to the Civil Protection System, spreads over a city that continues to live and could be largely not aware of the situation in place. Excluding nuclear weapons, which trigger clearly visible and mechanically destructive dynamics, C B R presence may also be not noticeable, causing, among other things, considerable difficulties in a timely definition of the quality of the event.

(CBRNe Book Series - Gioacchino Onorati Editore)