HOME HESAR Master CBRNe - "Prof. Carlo Bellecci" Directive Board - Master CBRNe Didactic Board (2019/2020-2020/21) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 5th Edition 19/20-20/21 - Timeline - First Level MasterCBRN 1st_Lev_Mod. 1 - CBRNe threats between past and current challenges 1st_Lev_Mod. 2 - B Agents. Biological Warfare Agents, history, current challenges, properties, case study 1st_Lev_Mod. 3 - C Agents (P2). HazMat, TIM and Chemical Warfare Agents introduction, history, chemical / physical properties, ERG introduction 1st_Lev_Mod. 4 - DSS, Software 1st_Lev_Mod. 5 - R/N Agents. Radiological and nuclear agents awareness, industry, medical & military 1st_Lev_Mod. 6 - C Agents: Chemical Warfare Agents detection, protection and decontamination operations (OPCW) 1st_Lev_Mod. 7 - Communication and Psychology 1st_Lev_Mod. 8 -Medical Countermeasures, CBRNe First Aid 1st_Lev_Mod. 9 - Investigation in case of CBRNe events 1st_Lev_Mod. 10 - e Agents, CBR IED and EOD, challenges and case studies Thesis Evaluation First Level2020 - 5h Edition (2020/21) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 10th Edition (2020/21-2021/2022) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 6th Edition 20/21-21/22 - Timeline - First Level MasterCBRN 1st_6th_Mod. 1 - CBRNe threats between past and current challenges 1st_6th_Mod. 2 - B Agents. Biological Warfare Agents, history, current challenges, properties, case study 1st_6th_Mod. 3 - C Agents (P1). HazMat, TIM and Chemical Warfare Agents introduction, history, chemical / physical properties, ERG introduction 1st_6th_Mod. 4 - DSS, Software 1st_6th_Mod. 5 - R/N Agents. Radiological and nuclear agents awareness, industry, medical & military COPIAMod. 5 - R/N Agents. Radiological and nuclear agents awareness, industry, medical & military 1st_6th_Mod. 6- OPCW 1st_6th_Mod. 7 - Communication and Psychology 1st_6th_Mod. 8 -Medical Countermeasures, CBRNe First Aid 1st_6th_Mod. 9 - Investigation in case of CBRNe events 1st_6th_Mod. 10 - e Agents, CBR IED and EOD, challenges and case studies Thesis Evaluation First Level2021 - 6h Edition (2021/2022) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 11th Edition (2022/23-2023/24) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 7th Edition (2022/2023) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 12th Edition (2023/24-2024/25) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 8th Edition (2023/2024) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 13th Edition (2024/25-2025/26) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 9th Edition (2024/2025) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 14th Edition Table Top Exercises - TTX Seminari INPS - Borsisti Master Directive_Board_Area Activity Reports CBRNe Courses and WS Master MENTS Academic Courses Research Scientific Events NEWS Contacts
Kustov, M.V., Andronov, V.A., Buscham, C. (2025). "Modification of emergency management systems
based on experiences of Germany and Ukraine" . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 21-29.
Guglielmo Manenti, Gian Marco Ludovici, Rachele D’Amario, Alba
Iannotti, Colomba Russo, Riccardo Quaranta, Gianluca Ciarcia, Colleen Patricia Ryan, Pasquale Gaudio & Andrea Malizia (2025). "Implementation and Application of a Contingency
Plan in Case of an Unconventional CBRNe Event: A Case Study in a Hospital Facility." Defence S&T Technical Bulletin, Vol. 18, No.1, pp. 21-33, eISSN
Zimmer, JM., Moramarco, S. & Carestia, M. (2024).
"Nutraceutical recommendations for CBRN and emergency first responders during an airborne biological release incident" . Eur. Phys. J. Plus 139, 1011 (2024).
Elí Cristina Caçador, Susana de Souza Lalic, Veridiana Teixeira de Souza Martins, Cassiano Oliveira de
Souza & Francesco d’Errico (2024). "Unveiling disaster: exploring dam failures and CBRNe events in Brazil and beyond" . Eur. Phys. J. Plus 139, 956 (2024).
Sporrer, S., Niemann, N. &
Hammer, C. (2024) "Critical infrastructure monitoring in CBRNe scenarios: a reliable and robust communication network for distributed multimodal sensors ". Eur. Phys. J. Plus
139, 783 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-024-05583-4
Wilsenack, F., Meyer,
F., Flores, Y.V. et al. (2024) "Recent improvements in the novel approach to the fast detection of surface contaminations ". Eur. Phys. J.
Plus 139, 751 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-024-05499-z
Marco Carbonelli, Riccardo Quaranta, Pasquale Gaudio, Daniele Di Giovanni, Grace P. Xerri, Andrea Malizia
& Laura Gratta (2024). "Building risk assessment methodology for explosive and non-conventional terrorist attacks" . Eur. Phys. J. Plus 139, 669 (2024).
Pestana, G., Sofou, S. (2024). "Digital chain of custody innovation management roadmap" .
Eur. Phys. J. Plus 139, 633 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-024-05420-8
Carbonelli, M., Quaranta, R., Malizia, A., Gaudio, P., Giovanni, D.D. (2024). "An analysis of
terrorist attacks on soft and hard targets in the period 2000-2019 ". International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 865-873.
Puccia, V., Giovanni, D.D. (2024). "Parametric assessment of strategic buildings for CBRNe and
hybrid threat resilience". International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 671-678. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.140301
Carbonelli, M., Todaro, C., Iavarone, V., Sesler, F. (2024). "Terrorist attacks to essential
services, infrastructures and facilities in G7 countries during the reriod 2000-2020" . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 787-794.
Choudary, S., Xerri, G.P., Carestia, M., Vybornova, O., Gala, J.L., De Vorst, M.F.V., Calluy, L., Reich,
W.K.H., Michalcik, T., Habig, T., Schmidt, E., Benson, E., Bunday, R., Di Giovanni, D. (2024). "Development of a methodology for pooling resources and optimising investments in the
field of CBRN training and capacity building" . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 933-940.
Giovanardi, S., Cavalieri d’Oro, E., Pedeferri, M. (2024). "Evaluation of the environmental and
economic impact deriving from the adoption of a reuse strategy for disposable FFP2" . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 743-752.
Laura Filograna, Guglielmo Manenti, Andrea Micillo, Flavia Chirico, Alessandro Carini, Paola Elda
Gigliotti, Roberto Floris, Andrea Malizia, Antonio Oliva (2023). "Post-mortem imaging: A tool to improve post-mortem analysis and case management during terrorist attacks".
Forensic Imaging, Volume 34, September 2023, 200551. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fri.2023.200551
Nicola Fabiano (2022).
"Artificial Intelligence and Facial Recognition
in an IoT Ecosystem: The Impact on Data Protection and Privacy and the Relevance of Ethics" . International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT), 12(2), DOI:
Umberto Battista, Pietro De Vito, Davide Ottonello and Deborah Hugon (2022). "Agent-Based
Simulation of Heterogeneous Crowd Flows in Critical Infrastructures During Emergencies" . International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT), 12(2), DOI:
Sergiy Dotsenko, Oleg Illiashenko, Vyacheslav Kharchenko and Olga Morozova (2022).
"Integrated Information Model of an Enterprise and Cybersecurity Management System: From Data to Activity" . International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT),
12(2), DOI: 10.4018/IJCWT.305860
Pietro Rossetti, Fabio Garzia, Nicola Silverio Genco and Antonio Sacchetti (2022). "IoT and
Edge Computing as Enabling Technologies of Human Factors Monitoring in CBRN Environment" . International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT), 12(2), DOI:
aarco Carbonelli, Riccardo Quaranta, Andrea Malizia, Pasquale Gaudio, Daniele Di Giovanni, Grace P. Xerri
(2022). “Building Vulnerability Assessment for Explosive and CBR Terrorist Attacks ”. WIT Transactions The Built Environment, Risk Analysis,Hazard Mitigation and Safety and
Security Engineering XIII, 214, 97-111
Malizia, A., Chatterjee, P. & D’Arienzo, M. (2022). "New technologies for detection,
protection, decontamination, and developments of the decision support systems in case of CBRNe events: editorial" . Eur. Phys. J. Plus 137, 1192 (2022).
Gorgees Akhshirsh, Bayar Azeez, Antonia Bezenchek, Iuri Fanti, Shahla O. Salih, Faiq B. Basa, Andrea Malizia, Stefania Moramarco &
Leonardo Emberti Gialloreti (2022). “A workflow to develop and implement an E-Health information system in war-torn countries: A case study in Iraqi Kurdistan” . Defence
S&T and Technical Bullettin, vol. 15, num. 2, pp. 228-238, ISSN 1985-6571
M., Carestia, M., Quaranta, R. (2021). Threat assessment method for buildings in case of terrorist attacks. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11,
No. 4, pp. 285-294. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110401 .Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Murtinger, M., Jaspaert, E., Schrom-Feiertag, H., Egger-Lampl, S. (2021). CBRNe training in
virtual environments: SWOT analysis & practical guidelines . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 295-303.
https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110402 . Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Pasino, A., De Angeli, S., Battista, U., Ottonello, D., Clematis, A. (2021). A review of
single and multi-hazard risk assessment approaches for critical infrastructures protection . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 305-318.
https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110403 . Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Kliushnikov, I., Fesenko, H., Kharchenko, V., Illiashenko, O., Morozova, O. (2021). UAV
fleet based accident monitoring systems with automatic battery replacement systems: Algorithms for justifying composition and use planning . International Journal of Safety and
Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 319-328. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110404 .Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Ciccotti, M., Pagliaro, P., Peluso, I., Benfenati, F., Munzi, D., Sciarra, T., Palermo, G., Sorbo,
M.C. (2021). Prevention procedures to contain COVID-19 contagion in the first Italian army field hospital. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11,
No. 4, pp. 329-335. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110405 . Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Choudary, S., Asghar, M.U., Ibrahim, A.G. (2021). CBRN events and crisis communication:
Analysis of training needs and development of curriculum for communication personnel . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 337-343.
https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110406 . Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Carbonelli, M., Gratta, L. (2021). A general multi-risk assessment method for natural
disasters and CBRNe attacks . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 345-352. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110407 . Guest Editors: Andrea
Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Guidotti, C., Ricci, D. (2021). Lean thinking approach in crisis scenarios: Managing a CBRNe
emergency in a law enforcement department by means of managerial decision-making tools . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 353-360.
https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110408 . Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Carbonelli M., Iannotti A., Malizia A. (2021). "Disaster Management of a
Major CBRN Accident" . In: Masys A.J. (eds) Handbook of Security Science. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-51761-2_36-1
Gordieiev, O., Kharchenko, V., Illiashenko, O., Morozova, O., Gasanov, M. (2021). Concept of
using eye tracking technology to assess and ensure cybersecurity, functional safety and usability . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp.
361-367. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110409 . Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Biancotto, S., Malizia, A., Contessa, G.M., D’Arienzo, M., Solbiati, M.M. (2021). First
responder safety in the event of a dirty bomb detonation in urban environment . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 369-375.
https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110410 . Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Martellucci, L., Chierici, A., Di Giovanni, D., Fumian, F., Malizia, A., Gaudio, P. (2021).
Drones and sensors ecosystem to maximise the “Storm Effects” in case of CBRNe dispersion in large geographic areas . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering,
Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 377-386. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110411 . Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Morea, D., Sciortino, G.P. (2021). Small satellites constellations and their impact on CBRNe
management in Africa. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 387-395. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110412
Palestini, L. (2021). Communication and decision support systems . International
Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 397-407. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110413 . Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Palestini, L., Sassu, F. (2021). Risks and safety measures associated with the storage and
transport of liquefied natural gas (LNG) . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 409-418. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110414 . Guest
Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Kustov, M.V., Kalugin, V.D., Hristich, O.V., Hapon, Y.K. (2021). Recovery method for
emergency situations with hazardous substances emission into the atmosphere . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 419-426.
https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110415 . Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Di Giovanni, D., Fumian, F., Chierici, A., Bianchelli, M., Martellucci, L., Carminati, G., Malizia,
A., d’Errico, F., Gaudio, P. (2021). Design of miniaturized sensors for a mission-oriented UAV application: A new pathway for early warning. International Journal of Safety
and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 435-444. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110417 .Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Khalfaoui, I., Hammouche, A. (2021). The impact of the patient's state on the destination
care unit choice within the health emergency services regional network (HES-RN) in Morocco . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 455-461.
https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110419 . Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Thornton, M.I., Iannotti, A., Quaranta, R., Russo, C. (2021). The effectiveness of table-top
exercises in improving pandemic crisis preparedness . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 463-471. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110420 .
Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Malizia, A., Chierici, A., Biancotto, S., D’Arienzo, M.,Ludovici, G.M., d’Errico, F., Manenti, G.,
Marturano, F. (2021). The hotspot code as a tool to improve risk analysis during emergencies: Predicting I-131 and Cs-137 dispersion in the Fukushima nuclear accident .
International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 473-186. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110421 . Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco
Ferrero, S. (2021). Being a gynecologist doctor specialized in IVF, a mother and a woman at
the time of COVID-19 . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 487-490. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110422
Anselmi, M., Divizia, M. (2021). Virological environmental analysis. International Journal of Safety
and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 491-493. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110423 . Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
De Maio, C. (2021). Evaluation of the permanence of flame accelerating material on burned
material with GC-MS analytical techniques . International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 495-498. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsse.110424 . Guest
Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
D’Arienzo M, Di Paolo F, Chiacchiararelli L, Malizia A, Indovina L. (2020). "A mathematical model for the diffusion of emergency warning messages during CBRNe
emergencies" . Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. 28:228–239. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5973.12313.
M. Carestia, F. Troiani, R. Caldari, M. Civica, F. Bruno, C. Vicini, D. Di Giovanni, A. Iannotti, C. Russo, M. Thornton, L. Palombi, F. d’Errico, C.
Bellecci, P. Gaudio and A.Malizia (2020) "CBRNe as Conceptual Frame of an All Hazards Approach of Safety and Security: The Creation of Organic Networks of Military, Civil,
Academic/Research and Private Entities at National and International Level to Generate Solutions for Risk Reduction – A European and Italian Perspective ". In: Bonča J., Kruchinin S.
(eds) Advanced Nanomaterials for Detection of CBRN. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology. Springer, Dordrecht.
Eid A. , Di Giovanni D.,
Galatas I., Fayçal J., Karkalic R., Gloria A. and Carestia M. (2020). "Mass Decontamination of Fragile and Disabled Groups Following an Urban CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological,
nuclear) Incident" . Biomedicine & Prevention issues (2019) - vol. 1 - (207) - DOI:10.19252/0000000CF
D. Di Giovanni, F. Fumian, and A. Malizia (2019). "Application of miniaturized sensors to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, a new pathway for
the survey of critical areas ". Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 14, March 2019. 5th International Conference Frontiers in Diagnostcs Technologies (ICFDT)
C. De Maio, M. V. Mattavelli Solbiati (2019). Hazmat problems for first responders of USAR Team and victims in case of structural
CBRNE 2018”. Guest Editors: Francesco d'Errico and Andrea Malizia. Giacchino Onorati Editori (Aracne Editrice).ISBN 978-88-255-3153-4. DOI 10.4399/97888255315341
Quiñones, Javiera, Fernández, Martaa, Serrano, Juliob, Valdivieso, Pedro
Pabloa, Cobo, José Manuela (2019). Resistance of DNA forensic evidence after CBRN attack scenario. Saliva cells strength to γ
WORKSHOP, “IW CBRNE 2018”. Guest Editors: Francesco d'Errico and Andrea Malizia. Giacchino Onorati Editori (Aracne Editrice).ISBN 978-88-255-3153-4. DOI 10.4399/97888255315341
P.Wengler (2019). Emerging Security Risks from a Domestic and
Editors: Francesco d'Errico and Andrea Malizia. Giacchino Onorati Editori (Aracne Editrice).ISBN 978-88-255-3153-4. DOI 10.4399/97888255315341
Rosiello F., Menga LS., Montibeller M., Zelinotti L., Kolaparambil
Varghese LJ (2019). Italy after 30 years of denuclearization: what are the effects on the health? A
Andrea Malizia. Giacchino Onorati Editori (Aracne Editrice).ISBN 978-88-255-3153-4. DOI 10.4399/97888255315341
Bernd Allert (2019). Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Disablement -
Development of a new capability? COUNTERING RADIOLOGICAL AND NUCLEAR THREATS - PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CBRNE WORKSHOP, “IW CBRNE 2018”. Guest Editors: Francesco d'Errico and Andrea Malizia. Giacchino Onorati Editori (Aracne Editrice).ISBN 978-88-255-3153-4. DOI 10.4399/97888255315341
P. Rossetti, G. Beolchi, R. Cannevad , F. Garziae , N. S. Genco(2019).
Antidote transport by Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) in BVLOS operations in case of CBRN event .
Onorati Editori (Aracne Editrice).ISBN 978-88-255-3153-4. DOI 10.4399/97888255315341
S. Moramarco, A. Puleio, M. Carestia
(2019). Food Safety After Nuclear Accidents: Looking Back To Chernobyl Experience To Propose New Approaches For Risk Mitigation .
Malizia. Giacchino Onorati Editori (Aracne Editrice).ISBN 978-88-255-3153-4. DOI 10.4399/97888255315341
Fabio Marturano (2019). Beyond the limits: a review on nuclear energy
Editors: Francesco d'Errico and Andrea Malizia. Giacchino Onorati Editori (Aracne Editrice).ISBN 978-88-255-3153-4. DOI
F. Fontana, MF. Bueti, M. Martini, R. Fiorito
(2019). Nuclear decommissioning & wastes management: the point of view from Italy . COUNTERING RADIOLOGICAL AND NUCLEAR THREATS -
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CBRNE WORKSHOP, “IW CBRNE 2018”. Guest Editors: Francesco d'Errico and Andrea Malizia. Giacchino Onorati Editori (Aracne
Editrice).ISBN 978-88-255-3153-4. DOI 10.4399/97888255315341
M. Serale, L. Zelinotti, G. Boschetti, P. Cosmi, M. Procacciante (2019).
CBRNE WORKSHOP, “IW CBRNE 2018”. Guest Editors: Francesco d'Errico and Andrea Malizia. Giacchino Onorati Editori (Aracne Editrice).ISBN 978-88-255-3153-4. DOI
L. Zelinotti, M. Serale, L. Botti, R. Cardamone, G. Boschetti, M. Teofili,
G. Petrelli, C. Di Santo, F. Rosiello (2019). Working dog in a contaminated environment, problems and possible work solution for the safety at
Francesco d'Errico and Andrea Malizia. Giacchino Onorati Editori (Aracne Editrice).ISBN 978-88-255-3153-4. DOI
Marsella S., Sciarretta N. (2018) CBRN Events and Mass Evacuation Planning . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing
CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Pérez-Díaz J.L. et al. (2018) Fast Response CBRN High-Scale Decontamination System: COUNTERFOG . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M.
(eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Casarrubios J.S.G., Llerena-Aguilar FJ., Pérez-Díaz JL. (2018) Fog Dynamics . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing
CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Myjer E., Herbach J. (2018) Arms Control Law as the Common Legal Framework for CBRN Security . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M.
(eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Palestini L., Binotti G. (2018) Image/Data Transmission Systems of the Italian Fire and Rescue Service in Emergency Contexts: An
Overview of Methods and Technologies to Support Decision-Making . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference.
Springer, Cham
Khalfaoui I., Hammouche A. (2018) Modelling and Optimization of the Health Emergency Services Regional Network (HES-RN) in
Morocco: A Case Study on HES-RN of Rabat Region . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer,
Ciparisse JF., Malizia A., Gaudio P. (2018) 3D Numerical Simulation of a Chlorine Release in an Urban Area . In: Malizia A.,
D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Iannotti A., Rossi R., Malizia A. (2018) Game Theory as Decision-Making Tool in Conventional and Nonconventional Events . In:
Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Minotti A. (2018) A Micro-propulsion System to Widen CubeSat’s Applications to Security . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds)
Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Bhadoria R.S., Chaudhari N.S. (2018) Provisioning for Sensory Data Using Enterprise Service Bus: A Middleware Epitome . In:
Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Bonfanti M.E. (2018) “One Single Official Voice or Multiple Voices?” Ensuring Regulatory Compliance in Communicating (CBRN) Emergency
or Crises . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Venier S. (2018) A Human Rights Perspective on CBRN Security: Derogations, Limitations of Rights and Positive Obligations in Risk
and Crisis Management . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Capone F. (2018) The EU Response to the CBRN Terrorism Threat: A Critical Overview of the Current Policy and Legal Framework .
In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Haider N. (2018) Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions: Orienting to Emerging Challenges Through a Cooperative
Approach . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Alberico A. (2018) The International Maritime Security Legislation and Future Perspectives for Italian Ports . In: Malizia A.,
D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Bergamini E., Jacobone F., Morea D., Sciortino G.P. (2018) The Increasing Risk of Space Debris Impact on Earth: Case Studies,
Potential Damages, International Liability Framework and Management Systems . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017
Conference. Springer, Cham
Coviello A., Di Trapani G. (2018) The Risk Management and the Transfer to the Insurance Market. In: Malizia A.,
D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Goulart M., Goncalves M., Oceano I., Abousahl S. (2018) EU CBRN Centres of Excellence Effective Solutions to Reduce CBRNE
Risks . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Forth S.A., Johnson S., Burrows S.J., Sheldon R.P. (2018) Cranfield University Centre of Excellence in Counterterrorism . In:
Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Judek C., Verhaegen F., Belo J., Verdel T. (2018) Crisis Managers’ Workload Assessment During a Simulated Crisis Situation .
In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Nys B., Kummer N., de Bruyn P., Blok J. (2018) Increasing Forensic Awareness of CBRNE Responders and CBRNE Awareness of Forensic
Experts: A Pan-European Challenge . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer,
Almarzouqi I. (2018) Community Awareness in Disaster and Emergency Settings: A Case Study of the United Arab Emirates . In:
Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Castelli P. (2018) Early-Warning Crisis Management Systems for CBRNe Attacks in High-Threat Infrastructures . In: Malizia A.,
D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Malizia, M. D'Arienzo (2018). "Focus Point on New Technologies Related to Intentional and Accidental Release of CBRNe Agents". DOI:
Stefano Borgiani and Marco
Carbonelli (2018) "Non proliferazione delle armi di distruzione di massa: a che punto siamo?" Safety and Security (magazine online). Link:
Patrick Wengler, Orlando Cenciarelli, Gian Marco Ludovici, Andrea Duggento, Maria Guerrisi, Andrea Malizia & Pasquale Gaudio (2018). "FIRST RESPONDER CBRN - 9-LINER POCKET RESPONSE CARD" . Defence S&T Technical Bulletin, Vol. 11, Num. 2., pp. 3 10-316.
Technical Bulletin, Vol. 11, Num. 2., pp. 299-309.
F. Bruno, M. Carestia, M. Civica, P. Gaudio, A. Malizia, F. Troiani, R. Sciacqua, U. Spezia. (2018) "CBRN risk
scenarios" . Nanostructured Materials for the Detection of
CBRN. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology. Springer, Dordrecht (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-024-1304-5_23)
Moramarco, Marco Carbonelli (2018). Violenza politica, sicurezza alimentare e flussi migratori: l’arma letale della “fame”. Safety&Security (Online
Maurizio Martellini, Andrea Malizia (2017). Cyber and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives
Challenges: Threats and Counter Effort Springer International Publishing AG, as part of the Part of the Terrorism, Security, and Computation book series
(TESECO . ) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62108-1 ; Print ISBN: 978-3-319-62107-4; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-62108-1; Series Print ISSN:
2197-8778; Series Online ISSN: 2197-8786
Maurizio Martellini, Tatyana Novossiolova, Andrea Malizia (2017). "A Reflection on the Future of the CBRN Security
Paradigm" . Cyber and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Challenges: Threats and Counter Effort Springer International
Publishing AG, as part of the Part of the Terrorism, Security, and Computation book series (TESECO.), pag. 1-10. Guest editors: Maurizio Martellini, Andrea Malizia. DOI:
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62108-1 ; Print ISBN: 978-3-319-62107-4; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-62108-1; Series Print ISSN: 2197-8778; Series Online ISSN: 2197-8786
Stanislav Abaimov, Maurizio Martellini (2017). "Selected Issues of Cyber Security Practices in CBRNeCy Critical
Infrastructure". Cyber and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Challenges: Threats and Counter Effort Springer International Publishing AG, as part of the Part of
the Terrorism, Security, and Computation book series (TESECO.), pag. 11-34. Guest editors: Maurizio Martellini, Andrea Malizia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62108-1 ; Print ISBN:
978-3-319-62107-4; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-62108-1; Series Print ISSN: 2197-8778; Series Online ISSN: 2197-8786.
Bernd Allert (2017). "NATO’s Response to CBRN
Events" . Cyber and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Challenges: Threats and Counter Effort Springer International Publishing AG, as part of the Part of the
Terrorism, Security, and Computation book series (TESECO.), pag. 35-47. Guest editors: Maurizio Martellini, Andrea Malizia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62108-1 ; Print ISBN:
978-3-319-62107-4; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-62108-1; Series Print ISSN: 2197-8778; Series Online ISSN: 2197-8786.
Jürgen Altmann (2017). "Preventing Hostile and Malevolent Use of Nanotechnology Military Nanotechnology After 15 Years of the US
National Nanotechnology Initiative" . Cyber and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Challenges: Threats and Counter Effort Springer International Publishing AG, as part
of the Part of the Terrorism, Security, and Computation book series (TESECO.), pag. 49-72. Guest editors: Maurizio Martellini, Andrea Malizia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62108-1 ;
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-62107-4; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-62108-1; Series Print ISSN: 2197-8778; Series Online ISSN: 2197-8786.
Boban Cekovic, Dieter Rothbacher (2017). "A Fresh Approach: Review of the Production Development of the CBRN/HAZMAT
Equipment" . Cyber and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Challenges: Threats and Counter Effort Springer International Publishing AG, as part of the Part of the
Terrorism, Security, and Computation book series (TESECO.), pag. 91-128. Guest editors: Maurizio Martellini, Andrea Malizia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62108-1 ; Print ISBN:
978-3-319-62107-4; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-62108-1; Series Print ISSN: 2197-8778; Series Online ISSN: 2197-8786.
Cliff Glantz, Joseph Lenaeus, Guy Landine, Lori Ross O’Neil, Rosalyn Leitch, Christopher Johnson et al. (2017). "Implementing an
Information Security Program" . Cyber and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Challenges: Threats and Counter Effort Springer International Publishing AG, as part
of the Part of the Terrorism, Security, and Computation book series (TESECO.), pag. 179-197. Guest editors: Maurizio Martellini, Andrea Malizia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62108-1
; Print ISBN: 978-3-319-62107-4; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-62108-1; Series Print ISSN: 2197-8778; Series Online ISSN: 2197-8786.
Dieter Rothbacher (2017) "Combining Theoretical Education and Realistic, Practical Training: The Right Approach to Minimize CBRNe
Risk ". Cyber and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Challenges: Threats and Counter Effort Springer International Publishing AG, as part of the Part of the
Terrorism, Security, and Computation book series (TESECO.), pag. 327-343. Guest editors: Maurizio Martellini, Andrea Malizia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62108-1 ; Print ISBN:
978-3-319-62107-4; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-62108-1; Series Print ISSN: 2197-8778; Series Online ISSN: 2197-8786.
Adriaan van der Meer, Alberto Aspid (2017). "Security, Development, and Governance CBRN and Cyber in Africa". Cyber and
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Challenges: Threats and Counter Effort Springer International Publishing AG, as part of the Part of the Terrorism, Security, and
Computation book series (TESECO.), pag. 385-407. Guest editors: Maurizio Martellini, Andrea Malizia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62108-1 ; Print ISBN: 978-3-319-62107-4; Online
ISBN: 978-3-319-62108-1; Series Print ISSN: 2197-8778; Series Online ISSN: 2197-8786.
Andrea Malizia,
Laura Morciano, Jacopo Maria Legramante, Pasqualino Gaudio,
Sandro Mancinelli, Francesco Gilardi, Carlo Bellecci and Leonardo Palombi (2017), Emergency Department,
Sustainability, and eHealth: A Proposal to Merge These Elements Improving the Sanitary System. The Internet of Things Foundation for Smart Cities, eHealth, and
Ubiquitous Computing, Edited by Ricardo
Armentano, Robin Singh Bhadoria, Parag Chatterjee and Ganesh Chandra Deka. Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 CRC Press
2017. Pages 371–390, Print ISBN: 978-1-4987-8902-8, eBookISBN: 978-1-315-15602-6, https://doi.org/10.1201/9781315156026-22
Bennardo V.,
Capobianco L. , Corrao S and Rinaldi A. (2017). " Technical Rescue Dynamic Response In High Visibility Events - Operational Concepts And CBRN
Aspects". Biomedicine and Prevention: An open access transdisciplinary Journal vol. 3 - CBRNe safety. Special issue (PART 2). CBRNe safety:
the Biomedicine and Prevention focus point (PART 2): Special issue of the First Scientific International Conference on CBRNE (#SICC2017)
Galatas I. (2017). " How to CBRN-proof Your Hospital". Biomedicine and Prevention: An open access
transdisciplinary Journal vol. 3 - CBRNe safety. Special issue (PART 2). CBRNe safety: the Biomedicine and Prevention focus point (PART 2): Special issue of the First Scientific International
Conference on CBRNE (#SICC2017)
Franconi R
, Testa A, Giovanetti A., Lopresto V., Pinto R, Turchi R., Iliano E., Massa S., Patrono C., Palma V., Rinaldi A., Bartoleschi C., Pardini M.C., Demurtas O., Cappelli M. and Marino C.
open access transdisciplinary Journal vol. 3 - CBRNe safety. Special issue (PART 2). CBRNe safety: the Biomedicine and Prevention focus point (PART 2): Special issue of the First Scientific
International Conference on CBRNE (#SICC2017)
Mattaccini S., Cortelazzo A. , Foglietta G., Transerici M., Coltellaro A., Gemmellaro O., Tondolo M., Cosentino R., Tripodi R. and Lupini G. (2017) "
Laboratory and diagnostic test mobile systems: critical issues and perspectives in the field of major disasters". Biomedicine and Prevention: An open access transdisciplinary
Journal vol. 3 - CBRNe safety. Special issue (PART 2). CBRNe safety: the Biomedicine and Prevention focus point (PART 2): Special issue of the First Scientific International Conference on
Hosin A. (2017). "Displaced Population, Refugees of Multiple Traumas and the World Most Harsh, Injustice and Deterrent Immigration Policies" Biomedicine and
Prevention: An open access transdisciplinary Journal vol. 3 - CBRNe safety. Special issue (PART 2). CBRNe safety: the Biomedicine and Prevention focus point (PART 2): Special issue of the
First Scientific International Conference on CBRNE (#SICC2017)
Gabriele Lupini, Romano Tripodi, Pietro Rossetti ( 2017 ) " The ItRC Volunteer Military Corps: Role of Civil Protection and Civil Defense in CBRN Emergencies . Biomedicine and Prevention: An open access transdisciplinary Journal vol. 3 - CBRNe safety. Special issue (PART 1). CBRNe safety: the Biomedicine and Prevention focus
point (PART 1): Special issue of the First Scientific International Conference on CBRNE (#SICC2017)
S. De Novellis, P.M. Soave, R. Brancaleoni, D. Gui, S. Magalini, L. Indovina, M. De Spirito (2017) "Gemelli Hospital Emergency Plan for Radiological Accident: role and cooperation of health physicist in contaminated victims management ". Biomedicine and Prevention: An open access transdisciplinary Journal vol. 3 - CBRNe safety. Special issue
(PART 1). CBRNe safety: the Biomedicine and Prevention focus point (PART 1): Special issue of the First Scientific International Conference on CBRNE (SICC2017)
Alba Iannotti, Igino Schraffl, Carlo Bellecci, Pasquale
Gaudio, Leonardo Palombi, Orlando Cenciarelli, Daniele Di Giovanni, Mariachiara Carestia & Andrea Malizia (2016). "Chemical Weapons
Convention and Its Application Against the use of Chemical Warfare Agents ". Defence S&T TEchnical Bullettin, VOL. 9 NUM. 2 YEAR
2016 ISSN 1985-6571, p. 110-125.
Ilaria Cacciotti, Daniele Di Giovanni, Alessandro Pergolini, Andrea Malizia, Mariachiara Carestia, Leonardo Palombi, Carlo Bellecci, and Pasquale
Gaudio," ‘G.A.T.E’: Gap analysis for TTX evaluation" , International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2015 (ICNAAM 2015) AIP Conf. Proc. 1738, 270019-1–270019-5; doi: 10.1063/1.4952058 Published by AIP Publishing (2016).
Andrea Malizia & 2013/2014 CBRNe Masters Group, "Disaster management in case of CBRNe events: an innovative methodology to
improve the safety knowledge of advisors and first responders " , Defense & Security Analysis, 32:1,
79-90,DOI: 10.1080/14751798.2015.1130319, (2016).
Alba Iannotti, Igino
Schraffl, Carlo Bellecci, Andrea Malizia, Orlando Cenciarelli, Daniele Di Giovanni, L. Palombi & Pasquale Gaudio, " Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Review of its Use in History
to Perpetrate Chemical Offenses ", Defence S&T Technical Bullettin, Vol. 9, Num. 1, pp. 39-52, ISSN 1985-6571 (2016)
Di Giovanni "Evaluation and Gap analysis Tool for Performance Benchmarking on CBRNe Table Top Exercise Emergency Response Management " , session 3 – Consequence
L. Palombi, C. Bellecci, A. Malizia, V. Cusmai, V. Rossi, T. Labriola, E. Farrugia, F. Campopian, F. Salerno, V. Trombadore, L.Cadoni, G. Rezza, R.
Fantoni, S. Sandri, M. Chiappini, A. Gucciardino, F. D’Amico, D. Rothbacher, M. Carestia, D. Di Giovanni, O. Cenciarelli, C. Russo, C. Perrimezzi, P. Gaudio. "Building a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, explosive events Tech Advisor and First Responders to support top decision makers during emergencies ".
Speciale: ENEA Technologies for security. Enea EAI. DOI: 10.12910/EAI2014-101. (2014)
F. Pirelli, O. Cenciarelli, V. Gabbarini, A. Malizia, G. Famà, A. Sassolini, F. D’Amico, D. Di Giovanni, M. Carestia, L. Palombi, C. Bellecci & P.
Gaudio (2014). “ Maritime Security: Applications and Perspectives to Combat Chemical, Radiological and Explosive Threats ”.
DEFENCE S & T TECHNICAL BULLETIN, vol. 7, Issue 2, Pages 90-98, ISSN: 1985-6571
A. Malizia, V. Cusmai, V. Rossi, T. Labriola, E. Farrugia, F. Campopiano, F. Salerno, V. Trombadore, L. Cadoni, G. Rezza, R. Fantoni, S. Sandri, M.
Chiappini, A. Gucciardino, F. D’Amico, C. Russo, D. Rothbacher, M. Carestia, D. Di Giovanni, O. Cenciarelli, C. Perrimezzi, l. Palombi, C. Bellecci, P. Gaudio. "New frontiers of safety and security: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, explosive events ". Speciale: ENEA Technologies for security. Enea EAI. DOI:
10.12910/EAI2014-99. (2014)