HOME HESAR Master CBRNe - "Prof. Carlo Bellecci" Directive Board - Master CBRNe Didactic Board (2019/2020-2020/21) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 5th Edition 19/20-20/21 - Timeline - First Level MasterCBRN 1st_Lev_Mod. 1 - CBRNe threats between past and current challenges 1st_Lev_Mod. 2 - B Agents. Biological Warfare Agents, history, current challenges, properties, case study 1st_Lev_Mod. 3 - C Agents (P2). HazMat, TIM and Chemical Warfare Agents introduction, history, chemical / physical properties, ERG introduction 1st_Lev_Mod. 4 - DSS, Software 1st_Lev_Mod. 5 - R/N Agents. Radiological and nuclear agents awareness, industry, medical & military 1st_Lev_Mod. 6 - C Agents: Chemical Warfare Agents detection, protection and decontamination operations (OPCW) 1st_Lev_Mod. 7 - Communication and Psychology 1st_Lev_Mod. 8 -Medical Countermeasures, CBRNe First Aid 1st_Lev_Mod. 9 - Investigation in case of CBRNe events 1st_Lev_Mod. 10 - e Agents, CBR IED and EOD, challenges and case studies Thesis Evaluation First Level2020 - 5h Edition (2020/21) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 10th Edition (2020/21-2021/2022) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 6th Edition 20/21-21/22 - Timeline - First Level MasterCBRN 1st_6th_Mod. 1 - CBRNe threats between past and current challenges 1st_6th_Mod. 2 - B Agents. Biological Warfare Agents, history, current challenges, properties, case study 1st_6th_Mod. 3 - C Agents (P1). HazMat, TIM and Chemical Warfare Agents introduction, history, chemical / physical properties, ERG introduction 1st_6th_Mod. 4 - DSS, Software 1st_6th_Mod. 5 - R/N Agents. Radiological and nuclear agents awareness, industry, medical & military COPIAMod. 5 - R/N Agents. Radiological and nuclear agents awareness, industry, medical & military 1st_6th_Mod. 6- OPCW 1st_6th_Mod. 7 - Communication and Psychology 1st_6th_Mod. 8 -Medical Countermeasures, CBRNe First Aid 1st_6th_Mod. 9 - Investigation in case of CBRNe events 1st_6th_Mod. 10 - e Agents, CBR IED and EOD, challenges and case studies Thesis Evaluation First Level2021 - 6h Edition (2021/2022) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 11th Edition (2022/23-2023/24) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 7th Edition (2022/2023) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 12th Edition (2023/24-2024/25) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 8th Edition (2023/2024) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 13th Edition (2024/25-2025/26) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 9th Edition (2024/2025) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 14th Edition Table Top Exercises - TTX Seminari INPS - Borsisti Master Directive_Board_Area Activity Reports CBRNe Courses and WS Master MENTS Academic Courses Research Scientific Events NEWS Contacts
Econdi, S., Caselli, A., Marchesi, S. , Carniato, F., Bisio, C. and Guidotti, M. (2024).
"Catalysis and decontamination: a versatile tool in the safe and sustainable degradation of chemical warfare agents" . Eur. Phys. J. Plus 139, 782 (2024).
De Maio, C. (2024). "Evaluation of the permanence of benzene on solid material with GC–MS
analytical techniques, at time intervals" . Eur. Phys. J. Plus 139, 634 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-024-05410-w
Borghetti F., Benolli F., Micozzi A., Di Giovanni D., (2022) "Transtun Project: a Public-private-partnership to Enhance the
Capacity of Emergency Response in Case of Cbrn Incident in Road Tunnels" . Chemical Engineering Transactions, 91, 355-360.
Marturano, Fabio, Luca Martellucci, Andrea Chierici, Andrea Malizia, Daniele D. Giovanni, Francesco d’Errico, Pasquale Gaudio, and
Jean-Franҫois Ciparisse (2021). "Numerical Fluid Dynamics Simulation for Drones’ Chemical Detection" Drones 5, no. 3: 69.
Quinonez, D J.A., Pascual, L. et al. (2021) COUNTERFOG system applied inside the warehouse:
verification of the counter response against radiochemical attack scenario . Eur. Phys. J. Plus 136, 1053 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-02005-7
Fumian, Andrea Chierici, Mattia Bianchelli, Luca Martellucci, Riccardo Rossi, Andrea Malizia, Pasqualino Gaudio, Francesco d’Errico & Daniele Di Giovanni (2021). "Development and
performance testing of a miniaturized multi-sensor system combining MOX and PID for potential UAV application in TIC, VOC and CWA dispersion scenarios" . Eur. Phys. J. Plus 136, 913
(2021). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01858-2
Rothbacher (2021). "Real-time detection of Chemical Warfare Agents at clearance decontamination levels for surface contamination: a challenge for civilian authorities" . The
European Physical Journal Plus volume 136, Article number: 519 (2021) . Focus Point "New Technologies for Detection, Protection, Decontamination and Developments of the Decision Support
Systems in Case of CBRNe Events". Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
Riccardo Rossi, Daniele Di Giovanni, Andrea Malizia and Pasquale Gaudio (2020). "Measurements of Vehicle
Pollutants in a High-Traffic Urban Area by a Multiwavelength Dial Approach: Correlation Between Two Different Motor Vehicle Pollutants ". Atmosphere, 2020, 11(4), 383;
Riccardo Rossi,Michela Gelfusa,Andrea Malizia and Pasqualino Gaudio (2020). "Adaptive Quasi-Unsupervised
Detection of Smoke Plume by LiDAR" . Sensors, 20(22), 6602; https://doi.org/10.3390/s20226602
Francesca Fumian, Daniele Di Giovanni, Luca Martellucci, Riccardo Rossi and Pasqualino Gaudio (2020). "Application of Miniaturized Sensors to Unmanned Aerial Systems, A New Pathway for the Survey of Polluted Areas: Preliminary Results" . Atmosphere 2020, 11(5), 471; https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos11050471
R ossi R., Ciparisse J.-F.,
Gelfusa M., Malizia A., Gaudio, P. (2019). "The project TELEMACO: Detection, identification and concentration measurements of hazardous chemical
agents" . Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 14, Issue 3, Article number C03004. 5th International Conference Frontiers in Diagnostcs
Technologies (ICFDT)
Ciccotti M., Spagnolo F., Palmery M. (2018) Safety in the Transport of Hazardous Substances in Residential Areas: Cases of the Release of TIC (Chlorine, Propane, and
Butane) at Low Temperatures . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Pascual L. et al. (2018) First Measurement Using COUNTERFOG Device: Chemical Warfare Agent Scenario . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety
& Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Martellini M., Trapp R. (2018) The Erosion of the International Ban on Chemical Weapons: The Khan Shaykhun Attack Case—Challenges and Perspectives for the Chemical
Weapons Convention . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Villa V., Reniers G., Cozzani V. (2018) Application of Economic Analysis to the Selection of Security Measures Against Environmental Accidents in a Chemical
Installation . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Corrao S. et al. (2018) Definition of a Model to Perform and Evaluate Training Activities on External Emergency Plans of the “Seveso III” Industries . In: Malizia
A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
Milan S. Trtica1, Bojan Radak, Dubravka
Milovanovic, Miroslav Kuzmanovic and Jelena Savovic (2018). "Laser-based optical techniques for the detection of chemical
agents" . European Physics Journal Plus (2018) 133: 268. Focus Point on New Technologies Related to Intentional and Accidental Release
of CBRNe Agents (guest editors Marco D'Arienzo and Andrea Malizia). doi :
Riccardo Rossi, Jean-François Ciparisse, Andrea Malizia, Michela Gelfusa, Pasquale Gaudio (2018). "Multiwavelength differential
absorption lidar to improve measurement accuracy: test with ammonia over a traffic area" . Applied Physics B (2018) 124:148, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00340-018-7018-6
Parracino S., Ciparisse J.F., Gelfusa M., Malizia A., Richetta M., Gaudio P. (2018) Experimental Real-Time Tracking and Numerical
Simulation of Hazardous Dust Dispersion in the Atmosphere . In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference.
Springer, Cham
Malizia A.,
Gelfusa M., Ciparisse J., Rossi R., Lucaroni F., Palombi L., De Angelis D. and Gaudio P. (2018). "A technical proposal for active sensing monitoring activities in the area of Viggiano (south of Italy) and in rural and urban areas: LIDAR/DIAL techniques to detect
the presence of pollutants and to control biomass combustion products like CO or PM10" . Biomedicine & Prevention (2018) - vol. 1 - (154) - DOI:10.19252/00000009A .
Gaetano Carminati, Fabrizio Benigni, Emanuele Farrugia (2017). "Chemical Challenges, Prevention and Responses, Including
Considerations on Industrial Toxic Chemicals for Malevolent Use, CW Precursor Material for IEDs" . Cyber and Chemical, Biological,
Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Challenges: Threats and Counter Effort Springer International Publishing AG, as part of the Part of the Terrorism, Security, and Computation book series
(TESECO.), pag. 73-89. Guest editors: Maurizio Martellini, Andrea Malizia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62108-1 ; Print ISBN: 978-3-319-62107-4; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-62108-1;
Series Print ISSN: 2197-8778; Series Online ISSN: 2197-8786.
Pasqualino Gaudio (2017). "Laser Based Standoff Techniques: A Review on Old and New Perspective for Chemical Detection and
Identification ". Cyber and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Challenges: Threats and Counter Effort Springer International Publishing AG, as part of the Part of
the Terrorism, Security, and Computation book series (TESECO.), pag. 155-177. Guest editors: Maurizio Martellini, Andrea Malizia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62108-1 ; Print ISBN:
978-3-319-62107-4; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-62108-1; Series Print ISSN: 2197-8778; Series Online ISSN: 2197-8786.
Krzysztof Paturej, Pang Guanglian (2017). "Meeting Growing Threats of Misuse of Toxic Chemicals: Building a Global Chemical Safety and
Security Architecture and Promoting International Cooperation ". Cyber and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Challenges: Threats and Counter Effort Springer
International Publishing AG, as part of the Part of the Terrorism, Security, and Computation book series (TESECO.), pag. 289-309. Guest editors: Maurizio Martellini, Andrea Malizia. DOI:
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62108-1 ; Print ISBN: 978-3-319-62107-4; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-62108-1; Series Print ISSN: 2197-8778; Series Online ISSN:
Timothy J. Scott, Carola Argiolas (2017). "Chemical Security Culture in an Insecure World: The Experience and Understanding of
the Chemical Industry" . Cyber and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Challenges: Threats and Counter Effort Springer International Publishing AG, as part of the
Part of the Terrorism, Security, and Computation book series (TESECO.), pag. 345-356. Guest editors: Maurizio Martellini, Andrea Malizia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62108-1 ;
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-62107-4; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-62108-1; Series Print ISSN: 2197-8778; Series Online ISSN: 2197-8786.
Ralf Trapp (2017). "Living with Chemicals: How to Prevent Their Use for Hostile Purposes and Mitigate Chemical
Risks". Cyber and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Challenges: Threats and Counter Effort Springer International Publishing AG, as part of the Part of the
Terrorism, Security, and Computation book series (TESECO.), pag. 357-383. Guest editors: Maurizio Martellini, Andrea Malizia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62108-1 ; Print ISBN:
978-3-319-62107-4; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-62108-1; Series Print ISSN: 2197-8778; Series Online ISSN: 2197-8786.
Parracino S., Gelfusa M., Lungaroni M., Murari A., Peluso E., Ciparisse J.F., Malizia A., Rossi R., Ventura P., Gaudio
P. (2017). "First tests of a multi-wavelength mini-DIAL system for the automatic detection of greenhouse gases". Proceedings of SPIE - The International
Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 10424, 2017, Article number 1042406 (Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XXII 2017; Warsaw; Poland; 12 September 2017 through 14 September
2017; Code 133581)
Gaudio Pasqualino, Gelfusa Michela, Murari Andrea, Pizzoferrato Roberto, Carestia Mariachiara, Cenciarelli Orlando, Parracino Stefano, Ludovici Gianmarco,
Gabriele Jessica, Gabbarini Valentina, Di Giovanni Daniele, Rossi Riccardo, Jean Francois Ciparisse, Carlo Bellecci & Andrea Malizia. (2017). Application of Optical Techniques to Detect Chemical and Biological Agents. Defence S&T Technical Bullettin, VOL. 10 NUM. 1 YEAR 2017 ISSN 1985-6571,
pages 1-13.
P. Gaudio, A. Malizia, M. Gelfusa, A. Murari, S. Parracinoa L.A. Poggi, M. Lungaroni, J.F. Ciparisse, D. Di Giovanni, O. Cenciarelli, M. Carestia, E.
Peluso, V. Gabbarini, S. Talebzadeh and C. Bellecci. (2017) Lidar and Dial application for detection and
identification: a proposal to improve
safety and security. JINST 12 C01054 (2017), doi:10.1088/1748-0221/12/01/C01054
P Gaudio ,A Malizia, M Gelfusa, E. Martinelli, C. Di Natale, L.A. Poggi, C. Bellecci. (2017) Mini-DIAL system
measurements coupled with multivariate data analysis to identify TIC and TIM simulants: preliminary absorption database analysis. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Volume 778, conference 1 (2017), doi:10.1088/1742-6596/778/1/012004
Stefano Parracino, Maria Richetta, Michela Gelfusa, Andrea Malizia, Carlo Bellecci, Leonardo De Leo, Carlo Perrimezzi, Alessandro Fin, Marco Forin, Francesca Giappicucci,
Massimo Grion, Giuseppe Marchese, Pasquale Gaudio, “Real-time vehicle emissions monitoring using a compact LiDAR system and conventional instruments: first results of an experimental
campaign in a suburban area in southern Italy ” Opt. Eng. 55(10), 103107 (2016), doi: 10.1117/1.OE.55.10.103107.
Ciparisse, J.-F., Malizia, A., Poggi, L.A., Cenciarelli, O., Gelfusa, M., Carestia, M., Di Giovanni, D., Mancinelli, S., Palombi, L., Bellecci, C., and Gaudio, P.
(2016). Numerical Simulations as Tool to Predict Chemical and Radiological Hazardous Diffusion in Case of Nonconventional
Events . Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, Article ID 6271853, 11 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/6271853
M. Lungaroni, A. Murari, E. Peluso, M. Gelfusa, A. Malizia, J. Vega, S. Talebzadeh, and P. Gaudio. (2016). New analysis methods to push
the boundaries of diagnostic techniques in the environmental sciences. Journal of Instrumentation, 11 (04), C04019 .
A. Sassolini, C. Dominici, M. T. Saurini, M. Guidotti, O. Cenciarelli, A. Malizia, G. M. Ludovici, V. Gabbarini, J. Gabriele, C. Bellecci, L. Palombi, P.
Gaudio. (2015). Development of a SPME-GC-MS based method for analysis of organochlorinated smoke agents in soil and its application to a former
military site samples. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, Vol. 19 No 6 (2015): 1179-1186.
L. Palestini, G. Binotti, A. Sassolini, A. Malizia, O. Cenciarelli, L. Di Gianbernardino, F. D’amico, D. Di Giovanni, M. Carestia, R. Bonora, S. Miorotti, A. Costagliola Di
Fiore, F. M. Orecchio, J. F. Ciparisse, L. A. Poggi, L. Palombi, C. Bellecci, P. Gaudio. (2015). SX34 and the decontamination effects on chemical
warfare agents (CWA) ", WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5079 / 2224-3496, Volume 11, 2015, Art. #22, pp. 201-206
A. Sassolini, A.Malizia, F. D’Amico, O. Cenciarelli, M. Carestia, D. Di Giovanni, L. Palombi, M. Guidotti, C. Bellecci & P. Gaudio (2015).
Comparison of three sample preparation methods for analysis of chemical warfare agent simulants in water . Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, Vol 19 No 3 (2015): 603 - 610
A. Sassolini, A.Malizia, F. D’Amico, M. Carestia, D. Di Giovanni, O. Cenciarelli, C. Bellecci & P. Gaudio (2014). Evaluation of the effectiveness of titanium dioxide (TIO2) self-cleaning coating for increased protection against CBRN incidents in critical infrastructure . Defence s & t technical bulletin, vol. 7, Issue 1, Pages 9-17, ISSN: 1985-6571
M. Gelfusa, P. Gaudio, A. Malizia, A. Murari, J. Vega, M. Richetta, S. Gonzalez (2014). UMEL: A new
regression tool to identify measurement peaks in LIDAR/DIAL systems for environmental physics applications . Review of
Scientific Instruments. Volume 85, Issue 6, June 2014, Article number 063112.
M. Gelfusa, A. Malizia, S. Parracino, M. Richetta, C. Bellecci, E. Avolio, L. De Leo, C. Perrimezzi, P.Gaudio (2014). Detection of pollutant sources in the atmosphere with Lidar/Dial techniques: Results of an experimental campaign in the south of Italy . 2014 Fotonica AEIT Italian Conference on Photonics Technologies, Fotonica AEIT 2014, 2014, Article number 6843908, 2014 Fotonica AEIT Italian Conference on Photonics
Technologies, Fotonica AEIT 2014; Naples; Italy; 12 May 2014 through 14 May 2014; Category numberCFP1421Y-ART; Code 106397.
P.Gaudio, M. Gelfusa, A.Malizia, M. Richetta, A. Antonucci, P. Ventura, A. Murari, J. Vega (2013). Design and development of a
compact Lidar/Dial system for aerial surveillance of urban areas , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,
Volume 8894, 2013, Article number 88940D, Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote Sensing IX; Dresden; Germany; 23 September 2013 through 24 September 2013;
Code 101363