1. Becher, C.W., Milne, S. & Kaul, P.M. (2025). Investigation of explosives traces in pre-blast contamination scenarios using optimised wet swab sampling. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 140, 77 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-025-05985-y
  2. Emanuela C. A. Gallo, Luca M. L. Cantu and Frank Duschek (2021). RDX remote Raman detection on NATO SET-237 samples.  Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2021) 136: 401. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01336-9. Point "New Technologies for Detection, Protection, Decontamination and Developments of the Decision Support Systems in Case of CBRNe Events".  Guest Editors: Andrea Malizia, Parag Chatterjee and Marco D'Arienzo.
  3. Salzano E., Cozzani V. (2018) The Potentiality of Improvised Explosive Devices to Trigger Domino Effects. In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
  4. Rossi R., Ciparisse JF., Gaudio P., Malizia A. (2018) Explosion Risks Inside Pharmaceutical, Agro-alimentary and Energetic Industries as a Consequence of Critical Dust Conditions: A Numerical Model to Prevent These Accidents. In: Malizia A., D'Arienzo M. (eds) Enhancing CBRNE Safety & Security: Proceedings of the SICC 2017 Conference. Springer, Cham
  5. Rizzo, C. Telloli1, P. Bartolomei and F. Manassero (2018). Delta13 analysis to screen out explosive precursors by using cavity ring down laser spectroscopyEuropean Physics Journal Plus (2018) 133: 292, Focus Point on New Technologies Related to Intentional and Accidental Release of CBRNe Agents (guest editors: Marco D'Arienzo and Andrea Malizia). doi: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/i2018-12151-6
  6. Andrea Malizia, Riccardo Rossi and Ilaria Cacciotti (2018). "Improvement of the shadow tracking setup as a method to measure the velocities values of dark dust in order to reduce the risks of radioactive releases or explosions". Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 89, Issue 8, doi:10.1063/1.5006603
  7. Malizia A., Rossi R. (2018). "Development of a Device to Measure Mass and Resuspension Rate of Dust inside Confined Environments". MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW, 18, (2018), No. 3, 100-106
  8. Pietro Rossetti, Fabio Garzia, Nicola Silverio Genco, Cosimo Rossetti, Simone Scolari (2017) " Dirty Bomb Drones, Physical-Logical Urban Protection Systems and Explosive/Radiological Materials regulation’s challenges in the Age of Globalization". Biomedicine and Prevention: An open access transdisciplinary Journal vol. 3 - CBRNe safety. Special issue (PART 1). CBRNe safety: the Biomedicine and Prevention focus point (PART 1): Special issue of the First Scientific International Conference on CBRNE (#SICC2017)
  9. Malizia A., Rossi R. and Gaudio P. (2017). "Optical measures of dust velocities and direction during loss of vacuum accidents in confined environment and correlation between dust positions and properties with the resuspension degrees and the velocity modules". Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 882, Issue 1, 29 August 2017, Article number 012011. (24th A.I.VE.LA. Annual Meeting; Faculty of EngineeringBrescia; Italy; 27 October 2016 through 28 October 2016; Code 130382).
  10. Malizia, M. Gelfusa, A. Murari, M. Richetta, J.F. Ciparisse, L.A. Poggi, M. Lungaroni, P. Gaudio (2017). "A Novel Facility to Investigate Dust Mobilization in Confined Environments with Applications to the Security of the Pharmaceutical Industry", Materials Science Forum, Vol. 879, pp. 1213-1219, 2017
  11. A.Malizia, R. Rossi, LA. Possi, JF. Ciparisse and P. Gaudio (2017). "Imaging to study dust re-suspension phenomena in case of loss of vacuum accidents inside the pharmaceutical industries". Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTSprooceddings by IEEE, doi: 10.1109/GIOTS.2017.8016225